
‘How do the Losers Club avoid being eaten by shapeshifting monsters from beyond the void? ‘IT’s’ social constructivism!’ (Ft. activity theory)

‘How do the Losers Club avoid being eaten by shapeshifting monsters from beyond the void? 'IT’s' social constructivism!' (Ft. activity theory)

Oh boy do these episode titles keep getting longer and weirder or is it just me? Also this is the March episode…despite the release date of April…sorry about that! Mad month. Again…(thousand yard stare, sees helicopters and explosions)

This week Join Becky, Mark and Mike as they try and figure out how those darn kids from 2017’s horror hit ‘IT’ use the power of friendship and social constructivism to stop an elder god alien thing from literally eating the fear right out of them. Eep.

Oh yeah, we refer to activity theory in this episode, well more like glance off it. There’s more to read about it here, but we’ll probably do a little mini episode on it in the near future:

Also we refer to a paper on designing online collaborative activities (Evans and Galley, 2016) – give it a read, it’s really rather good.

Finally, Mark plugs one of his books on activity theory in an attempt to use 10% of the proceeds to feed his cats.