
Why are B Movies so good for answering bloody stupid pedagogic questions?

Why are B Movies so good for answering bloody stupid pedagogic questions?

In this B Movie special, we’re looking at three delightfully ‘B’ movies that are, if not close to our hearts, then at least in the same postcode – and using them to answer some mini bloody stupid pedagogic questions, including: How do we Short Circuit Mazlow’s Heirachy of Needs? (Ft. Short Circuit) How can we… Continue reading Why are B Movies so good for answering bloody stupid pedagogic questions?


How did thinking about humanity’s graduate attributes guide the God Emperor of Dune’s golden path?

How did thinking about humanity's graduate attributes guide the God Emperor of Dune's golden path?

It’s an Olde Stylee episode, with just Mike, Mark and a wee focused nerdy question. Been a while since we’ve done one of these! It’s Dune, Frank Herbert’s genre defining and much parodied space opera, and graduate attributes. Attributes for graduates innit. We had a lot of fun recording this one. Can you tell? Also… Continue reading How did thinking about humanity’s graduate attributes guide the God Emperor of Dune’s golden path?


How can the Wu-Tang Clan inform our online collaborative learning experiences?

How can the Wu-Tang Clan inform our online collaborative learning experiences?

Or to ask the full question, how can the RZA, the GZA, Raekwon the Chef, Masta Killa, Inspectah Deck, Method Man, ODB, U-God, and Ghostface Killah inform our online collaborative learning experiences? To help answer this, we’re joined by the brilliant Terry Greene, Senior eLearning Designer at Trent University, Ontario and host of the cracking… Continue reading How can the Wu-Tang Clan inform our online collaborative learning experiences?


How is Gamification like being trapped in The Matrix? And what is the real world of Games Based Learning?

How is Gamification like being trapped in The Matrix? And what is the real world of Games Based Learning?

Boy oh boy do we have a special one for you! In this episode we demystify and separate out Gamification and Games Based Learning, talk about one of the best action/sci-fi movies of all time, The Matrix – and get up on our soap boxes about how to take the red pill to add cool… Continue reading How is Gamification like being trapped in The Matrix? And what is the real world of Games Based Learning?


The Pedagodzilla Open Mic Night (Ft. Gamification)

The Pedagodzilla Open Mic Night (Ft. Gamification)

It’s a very special episode! We’ll be descending to the smoky depths of the pedagogical open mic club, where a patter of polymath pedagogues propound for your listening pleasure! Join Mike C, Grainne O, Mark C, Liz E, Mark W, Beccy C, Paul A and Chris C in performances and discussions that cover neuromyths, schools… Continue reading The Pedagodzilla Open Mic Night (Ft. Gamification)