Matt Wood on Fabulous Formative Failure and professional switcheroos at Playful Learning 2023
Matt Wood (Northumbria University) talks to Mike about fabulous formative failure, and the switch from academic to tech professional.
Matt Wood (Northumbria University) talks to Mike about fabulous formative failure, and the switch from academic to tech professional.
Ye gods the end is coming! Grab your go-bag, a cricket bat and join Mike, Mark and Dr Laura Mitchell as we break down how thinking about thinking can help you go to the bathroom safely as the world comes to an end. Because we’re role-playing a serious academic outfit, here’s some handy links related… Continue reading How does metacognition enable people to be the heroes in (dystopian) LARP?
It’s time for another conference-in-a-pod! A shrunk down flavour of the whole Remixplay 5: Secret Agents of Change conference, January 2023 – Coventry. It’s a conference for mega-educators who use playful practice to engage and build communities, and to then set that community loose on projects of monumental societal change. You’ll hear chunks of the… Continue reading Remixplay 5 2023: Conference-in-a-pod!
This is like an advent calendar of podcasts, but in November! Ho ho ho! Andy Walsh, editor for the Journal of Play in Adulthood and Rachelle O’Brien, Senior Learning Designer at DCAD, join us in another of our Playful Learning minis to talk about ‘We didn’t playtest this at all’ and Sonic the Hedgehog. Across… Continue reading Andy Walsh and Rachelle O’Brien on the fabulousness of playfulness – PGZ@PL games and practice mini
Mike here! I’ve edited together a choice selection of the 8 hours or so of material we recorded alongside a few of my reflections to produce this conference-in-a-pod, an audio scrapbook / selection box of my experience at Playful Learning 2022. I’ve written an accompanying blog post for the Open University Learning Design Team Blog,… Continue reading Playful Learning 2022: Conference-in-a-pod