
GTA or Mario, which design philosophy makes for a better curriculum? (Ft. Luke Pearce)

GTA or Mario, which design philosophy makes for a better curriculum? (Ft. Luke Pearce)

Fast cars or magic mushrooms would have been a better clickbait title for this. Damn our ethics.

In this episode we’re joined by the fab Luke Pearce to talk about linear and nonlinear learning, and which might be best for your teaching needs. To do so we’ll be examining Grand Theft Auto, the much beloved and equally reviled crime simulator, and rotund plumber bouncer Mario as our extremes of curated linear experiences, and freeform explosive chaos.

You can check out more of Luke’s thoughts about what videogames can teach us about learning, as well as other wholesome and educational content over at his blog, Luke Pearce – LPearceLearning.

Apologies for the slightly choppy audio quality in this one by the way, the recording files for this one went on a bit of a nonlinear adventure of their own.