Join Mike, Mark and special guest Puiyin Wong as we start an accidental, on-air imposters support group – and discuss Imposter Syndrome, occasionally remembering to frame it against The Wizard of Oz, but more often against our own bloody knuckled life experiences.
We’ve contacted the OED, and they’re going to change the plural of Imposter from ‘Imposters’ to ‘a learning design or technologist of impostitude’. I think it rolls off the tongue much better. Will let you know how it goes.
Puiyin also runs her smashing ‘my liminal pod’ podcast, which you can check out over at https://anchor.fm/puiyin-wong. She’s also done a slammin’ paper you need to read: Surviving institutional racism as a Chinese female in UK higher education.
Oh yeah, and here’s the link to the dark side of the rainbow we mention.