
How can you make constructivism amount to more than a hill of beans?

How can you make constructivism amount to more than a hill of beans?

Welcome to the *cough* January Episode! Absolutely not published late. It’s pretty topical, but topical if you remember January 2021 – and that might as well have been last century at this point. In this episode we’ll be looking at the Beandad twitterstorm in a teacup, and using it to think about constructivism, our own… Continue reading How can you make constructivism amount to more than a hill of beans?


Christmas Special! How do spooky muppets guide Scrooge through transformative Learning? (ft. experiential learning & rants)

Christmas Special! How do spooky muppets guide Scrooge through transformative Learning? (ft. experiential learning & rants)

Merry Christmas from Mike and Mark at Pedagodzilla! In this extra festive episode we explore Jack Mezirow’s transformative learning, through the lens of the greatest Christmas movie of all time (and by gum we’ll die on that hill) The Muppets Christmas Carol. Also Mike had to edit out around 20 minutes of ranting about the… Continue reading Christmas Special! How do spooky muppets guide Scrooge through transformative Learning? (ft. experiential learning & rants)


Why is a Mickey Mouse degree actually the best kind of degree you could experience? (Or, Pedagodzilla and the tale of The Thrice Edged Blade)

Why is a Mickey Mouse degree actually the best kind of degree you could experience? (Or, Pedagodzilla and the tale of The Thrice Edged Blade)

Join a band of starry eyed adventurers, Mike Collins (Learning Designer at the Open University, Bard), Chris Cox, (Learning Designer at Cranfield University, Paladin) and Mark Childs (Senior Learning Designer at Durham University, Rogue), as they battle through concepts and goblins, in search of the thrice edged blade! We explore narrative in narrative, narrative in… Continue reading Why is a Mickey Mouse degree actually the best kind of degree you could experience? (Or, Pedagodzilla and the tale of The Thrice Edged Blade)


How litigious is Alan Bennett when it comes to pedagogic monologues?

How litigious is Alan Bennett when it comes to pedagogic monologues?

In yet another weird and wonderful special, Mark Childs, Mark Williams and Mike Collins each present a silly pedagogic monologue in the style of everyone’s favourite northern playwright. Hopefully he won’t take us to court over our dreadful impersonations. We’ll use these carefully crafted dramatic masterpieces to discuss: Vampiric Learning Styles. Magical journeys through virtual… Continue reading How litigious is Alan Bennett when it comes to pedagogic monologues?


How does Julie Andrews escape Nazis with Active Learning?

How does Julie Andrews escape Nazis with Active Learning?

The hills are aliiiiive with the sooooound of lectuuuuures. And that’s why Active Learning is so gosh darned important. In this episode we’ll be answering the bloody stupid question, ‘How does Julie Andrews escape nazis with active learning?’. To do so we’ll look back to the veil of time to the pre-on demand media era,… Continue reading How does Julie Andrews escape Nazis with Active Learning?