
How litigious is Alan Bennett when it comes to pedagogic monologues?

How litigious is Alan Bennett when it comes to pedagogic monologues?

In yet another weird and wonderful special, Mark Childs, Mark Williams and Mike Collins each present a silly pedagogic monologue in the style of everyone’s favourite northern playwright. Hopefully he won’t take us to court over our dreadful impersonations. We’ll use these carefully crafted dramatic masterpieces to discuss: Vampiric Learning Styles. Magical journeys through virtual… Continue reading How litigious is Alan Bennett when it comes to pedagogic monologues?


Cognitive load / The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Cognitive load / The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

This episode we answer the question – How does the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy help Arthur Dent take a cognitive load off? To do so, we’ll pick apart our understanding of the concept of cognitive load, give some really bad examples of it, and then bang it against Douglas Adam’s accidental masterpiece until the… Continue reading Cognitive load / The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy