Join a band of starry eyed adventurers, Mike Collins (Learning Designer at the Open University, Bard), Chris Cox, (Learning Designer at Cranfield University, Paladin) and Mark Childs (Senior Learning Designer at Durham University, Rogue), as they battle through concepts and goblins, in search of the thrice edged blade!
We explore narrative in narrative, narrative in education, and narrative in your pocket to add to both you and your students toolkits.
It’s a belter, and we had a lot of fun with it. If you enjoy it, then do let us know and hit us up on the Twitters.
And while you’re reading episode descriptions, why not check out Chris’s art over at his website mrchriscox.com? You can contact him about his fabulous book there.
(Props to Mark, who did the second, third, fourth and fifth pass of the edit – reducing it to less than an hour.)
(Original artwork for this episode by Chris Cox)